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Hagia Sophia
"Holy Wisdom"

guidance into the embodied wisdom of your soul


Deep within you lie still waters.

An alive, expansive, wild landscape

where Holy Wisdom moves

to welcome you home

Green Nature

Hagia Sophia, ancient Greek for Holy Wisdom, or Divine Wisdom, calls us to reawaken to this guiding presence within and in all of nature. Through various modalities, I offer eco-spiritual guidance into your soul, your home where wisdom dwells, into your particular genius and purpose. I chose the term Hagia Sophia for this work because it is this holy wild wisdom that lives deep within you, calling you into sacred embodied relationship. With the natural realms, through trees, stones, water, moon, creature, and with the invisible realm, the alive energy that surrounds and fills you at all times. Sophia is an ancient feminine reality that is the creative life-giving force weaving its way through history, re-awakening for this particular time we are in.

This work is rooted in the sacred ecology of soul. It involves attuning with the living earth, with the invisible subtle realms within and around, and with the archetypal truths embedded in our bodies. Living from this landscape liberates our highest purpose, transforming the relational fields in which we are interconnected. Changing the world.

Hagia Sophia calls the wild You, beyond the domain of roles, fears, norms, habituation, or

patterns of the mind.

In the wilderness of the unknown, we stand on a threshold of what has been and what is not yet, both in the outer world and within. Between who we have been, and what we are, individually and as a civilization. Between a culture created by the illusion of separation and the reality of our interconnected belonging. Within this unknown, a potent invitation emerges from the wholeness that is You, to live within and out of a sacred positioning within. The invitation is to move deeper.


Deeper into our personal and collective fear

Deeper into the inherent gifts held

within the very cells of our being.  

Deeper into the alive world within and around us.

Deeper into Mystery.


Into a living relationship with our soul and with the soul of the world.

We are alive for such unprecedented times of epochal change. As we open to soul, we become co-creators of an emergent new world. A world led by courageous open hearts, embodying Sophia, the feminine principles of receptivity, relational competency, and reverence for all beings. This is a revolution of a different order, where the alchemy of love and presence transforms, transcends, and includes.

about hagia sophia


Awakened to your Wild Soul,

your lived life is the crucible of transformation

Tropical Leaves


Eco-Spiritual Guidance 
Reiki Session
and other energy work


a place of belonging
Spiritual Guidance 
with Gene Keys
Spiritual Guidance 
with Gene Keys 
Rawley Springs.JPG

If you live in the Rockingham/Augusta county area, consider this an invitation to connect with others on a journey back into the sacred embodied reality of our true essence, re-membering our innate interconnection with the rest of the Living World, and with our soul. Shenandoah Valley Church of the Wild is an emerging expression of community among the human and other than human inhabitants of the Shenandoah River, Dry River, and North River watersheds, a "church" without walls on the edges of wilderness and civilization. Our teachers are many, and include Black Oak and the Eastern Cottonwood, cardinal and caterpillar, ancient lichen and river stone, one another, and our own souls. Recognizing the sacred in all of creation, we re-member our kinship with all beings as holy and necessary practice in a time of socio-ecological destruction. Our free gatherings occur once a month. For more information, visit our website at

Founded and facilitated by Valerie Luna Serrels

Cow spring circle
cow tribe
cow by the fire
cow marching winter
cow circle july
cow w drums

"In every moment we can glimpse the Light that was in the beginning and from which all things have come... The threshold is always near.” 

~ John Philip Newell

For questions or to receive updates or notices of upcoming courses, please sign up!

PLEASE NOTE: Hagia Sophia offers spiritual guidance. We do not offer licensed clinical therapy, nor treatment, diagnoses, or professional counseling. While the work we offer is healing and can be therapeutic, in the sense that it opens the door to integrating your whole Self, it does not come from a purely psychological model. If you are experiencing an emotional/mental crisis, please seek assistance from a licensed clinical therapist.

Bridgewater, VA


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